Dear Summer…


Being that I live in Upstate New York, summer has truly left us. As I am typing this post, it is just 58 degrees! feels so cold compared to the 90 degrees it was on Labor day! I have to say though, that is one of things that I love about living in New York. We truly get 4 seasons and I have grown to really love fall. I love anything pumpkin flavored, the fall fashion, football, apple picking…well, enough about fall, this post is a letter to the Summer of 2014.

Dear Summer, 

I am sad to see you go, I had a really great time with you. This was my first summer where I was working full time, so it was a bit of an adjustment. I had to find different ways to enjoy you because of that, but I can’t complain! Thank you for the fabulous trip to Cleveland to see my brother graduate across the stage at Kent State! That was a fun trip. We enjoyed all that Cleveland had to offer. Then, we had a great weekend in New York City to see my God brother graduate from his doctoral program. It was a little on the cool side but any time spent in New York regardless of the weather is a fun time! Thank you for not being too hot. It can get brutal in Upstate NY with the humidity. The great weather allowed us to take mile long walks after work, enjoy our neighborhood with the local eateries and frozen yogurt places nearby, and we even got a chance to swim a couple times! I can’t forget to mention all of the great festivals and fairs that we went to. I finally went to the NYS Fair after living here for 12 years! But, not everything was easy, summer. You gave my husband and I a wake up call about our health and we accepted it. My hubby has lost nearly 20 pounds and I’ve lost about 10. It’s been hard work but totally worth it. Speaking of my wonderful husband, we really enjoyed our little get away to Pittsburgh to celebrate our first wedding anniversary. It was so fun, especially the Segways! Thanks for holding up the weather for us on that day, we were a little nervous it was gong to rain but it turned out to be a great day. And summer, oh summer, you got me good. The end of the summer was a great one. My hubby surprised me with a new car and my best friend came to visit from Baltimore! How awesome. Summer you never let me down. You always fill my days with good laughs and great memories. It’s never a goodbye it’s a see you later! Hopefully I’ll be on a beach somewhere next time like in the picture! 🙂 Until next time.

If you wrote a letter to Summer 2014 what would you say?

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10 thoughts on “Dear Summer…

  1. wyominggirlcoastiewife says:

    Here in East Texas September is always weird because the leaves are falling but the weather is still verging on 100 degrees–Oy! I miss the “perfect” seasons of New England–enjoy fall for me and I’ll wave to you from fall-summer here!

  2. reinventingjess says:

    Ha, also in Texas, and if I wrote a letter to Summer, it would probably start off saying, “Please go away now, we’ve had all of you that we can take! It’s not that we don’t like you, but 18 months of you in a row is a little much….”

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